Introducing Master Minds Session (in English)

Master Minds Products Wellness

Introducing Master Minds Session

In this virtual Zoom session, a small group of like-minded individuals will explore and actualize our full-potential.

Time: 75 minutes per session x 4 sessions
Fee: $245.00 per member
Max. setas: 10

In the month of August, we will work on our relationships with body and minds. As we begin our new academic year, let’s establish a habit that is sustainable, rewarding, and fulfilling your mind and spirit. Soko will facilitate discussions pertaining to:

  1. Diet, food choice
  2. Exercise
  3. Time management
  4. Stress management
  5. Self-image
  6. Purpose in life

Share any of the above topics that may prevent you to actualize your full-potential. I will guide the small group to create positive energies to kick start the academic year 2020-2021!

Please send your inquiries and/or sign up from the Contact page. (click here)